This picture always makes me laugh. I sent it to my roommate and she cracked up too. This is the kind of humor we have.
We've both been extremely busy the past few weeks and haven't had much time to hang out lately. We make a last-minute trip to Costco before work the other day and it was the most fun we've had together in a long time. We laughed the entire time. At one point we couldn't even walk through the store because we were laughing so hard. We stopped laughing long enough to look up and see a huge box of Cheez-its open and started laughing hysterically again. People thought we were high as kites, and we thought that was hilarious.
I miss hanging out with her!
We've had a lot of good times together. We used to own this town on the weekends. I'm attempting to make a comeback this weekend.
I love my roomie; she's one of my best friends in the whole wide world!!! I just wanted to give her a shout out as the weekend ends (Tuesday is the beginning of our week).
Live. Laugh. Love.
my ramblings

Monday, November 9, 2009
Shits and Giggles with the Roomie
Rambled by
Teresa and Taylor
11:36 PM
Talkin' about: fun, girlfriends, roommate
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Small Things Vol. 1
I've decided to start some kind of a regular posting on this blog, since I set out with no real purpose and have been a terribly bad blogger lately! I apologize for my absence and have no good excuse, for the most part....
Anyways...I'm not always the most observant person on the planet. However, from time to time I take notice of very small things that make a huge difference. So here I will be sharing my opinions about those small things!
Dental floss is one of those pesky little things to use...I personally hate to touch dental floss. However, I love the feeling of it between my teeth! Through numerous annoying dentist appointments and personal experience, I have discovered the incredibly amazing benefits of flossing.
Now don't get me wrong, this isn't the first time I've ever flossed. But the more often I floss continuously, the better the results. I don't want to jump to any crazy conclusions here, but I would venture to say that flossing is just as beneficial to oral hygiene as brushing, if not more important.
Last weekend, in an incredibly hungover state of mind, I preached to some of my friends about how important flossing is. As I sobered up, I decided I would make this a blog topic. True to my word, I'm preaching to those of you who follow.
Challenge yourself to floss your teeth every day for a week (I prefer flossing before I go to bed, but the choice is yours). Let me know if this changes your life!! :)
happy flossing!!!
Rambled by
Teresa and Taylor
12:30 AM
Talkin' about: the small things