As I mentioned before, I just graduated from University, and I currently have an awesome roommate. I met this great girl by chance in a dorm setting; we were placed together in an off-campus apartment for freshman students and we've been roommates ever since! This is our fourth year living together so, as you can imagine, we've become quite close. We definitely have our differences every once in a while, but we never really fight about things. We're adult enough to know when an issue needs addressing, so we do. If not, then it was probably petty and goes away in a day or so (I mean, every girl gets a period, ya know?!) Anyways, we've developed some habits over the years...some good, some not quite as good...whatever. But one of our favorite things to do on the weekends when we know we're not obliged to "go out" is buy a decent bottle of white wine (or maybe not so decent if it's near the end or first of the month) and have a chick flick marathon. We usually finish at least a bottle between the both of us, 2-3 glasses each. Sometimes we rent a girly (not boyfriend-friendly) movie while we indulge. Usually though, we watch Sex and the City. I own every season on DVD and we both have a copy of the movie. Although we've already seen every episode, we haven't seen them all in order, so this was out summer goal.
Tonight we polished off another bottle of wine, 2 glasses each, and watched another disc of SATC. Sadly, we are in the middle of season six...the final season. Although the wine and sleep deprivation made us a bit giddy, we weren't happy to see the end of our marathon draw to a close so soon. However, this bittersweet moment - like so many we've had before (dramatic as they may be) - made us realize how lucky we are to have each other. Another one of our strange habits - that only my mother understands - is home-popping some popcorn to go with our fancy-shmancy wine! We pop a pot of corn; I sprinkle only garlic salt on mine while she adds some Chalula sauce to hers. It may sound weird, but this is one of our favorite and most honored traditions as roommates: home-style popcorn and white wine. With our windows open, floor fan on high, and wine and popcorn in hand, two fun-loving girls spent a great Friday night inside. Most of our friends are out partying as I type this blog, but we are completely satisfied with our "old lady" Friday night. So for any of you girls that feel obliged to party it up on a Friday/Saturday night, maybe you should call up a great girlfriend or two, crack open some wine and some girly viewings, and have a bonding sesh! You don't have to roll curlers into your hair or have a pillow fight in your pj's to have a girls night, but I want to remind ladies of all ages to not be afraid to use one of your most valuable resources: YOUR GIRLFRIENDS!!!
my ramblings

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Rambled by
Teresa and Taylor
12:24 AM
Talkin' about: fun, girlfriends, roommate, wine
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Thanks for adding me on 20sb. I used to be one of those Friday/Saturday night party-ers, but now i feel i've outgrown that for the most part. Now i mostly stay in with the bf/ stay home alone/ or hang with friends.
That's exactly how I am now, for the most part. I have quite a few topics I plan to blog about in those regards :) nice to know you're reading!
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